Stadtwerke München, RWE Innogy, RheinEnergie, Ferrostaal and Solar Millennium have inaugurated in late September, the solar thermal power plant Andasol 3 in Andalusia. So with the third power plant is the largest solar energy site in Europe has emerged. "For me, the power plant model for the whole of Europe," said Dr. Hans Bunting, CFO of RWE Innogy, while Joachim Ludwig, Chief Operating Officer of Ferrostaal AG, at the inauguration ceremony by speaking of a "great market potential for solar thermal power plants."
Dr. Kurt Muhlhauser, CEO of Stadtwerke München, created a reference to the great topic of energy systems: Andasol 3 is the best example that we need to implement the energy policy at European level, Muhlhauser. Similar sentiments were expressed by Dr. Dieter Steinkamp RheinEnergie: With 3 Andsol RheinEnergie have invested in a production technique that could be developed in addition to the wind and water power for the European energy supply to a major supply components.
With the construction of Andasol 3 center was started in 2008. In July 2011, the participating CleanTech companies reported a successful Tesphase (see clean thinking: Andasol 3: Successful testing of solar thermal power plant). The project are particularly Stadtwerke München, RWE Innogy, RheinEnergie, Ferrostaal and Solar Millennium involved. To realize the company had a project company Marquesado Solar SL was founded. For more information about it at Andasol 3 in CleanTech lexicon.