Actually, technology to printing solar panels on paper has been developed by MIT researchers last year. But now, MIT researchers assure the development of technology for real applications by demo its flexible solar panels printed on regular printer paper, tissue, newsprint, and other cheap or unused materials.
Researchers precipitate oxidative chemical vapor using a temperature below 120 degrees C to produce a paper photovoltaic arrays. In addition to plain paper, solar panels can also be printed on other materials such as plastics and fabrics using the same way in inkjet printers, cheap and simple.
Although the efficiency is still low, but solar cells printed on paper can produce power even when using light in the room. Its only generated power less than 50 Volts, but it still can be used to power small devices.
But researchers at MIT believe that technology has the decency to be developed for the commercial possibilities by improving solar panel output in each kilogram. They will perform various experiments with other materials to improve its solar cell efficiency.
Going forward, the technology opens the possibility to print solar panels for application in homes like on window curtains, wallpaper, and all others media which solar cells can be printed on it.