Making solar panels to be flexible can be advantageous in terms of ease application of solar power technology for various purposes utilizing renewable energy from solar energy. A roll to roll flexible electronics technology made by PowerFilm has been demonstrated on the backplane array technology for a flexible full working display which integrated with a front plane driver.
PowerFilm Inc. is a publicly owned company based in Iowa, and is also listed on the London Alternative Investment Market (AIM). The company is specially engaged in the development and manufacturer of thin flexible solar panels and flexible electronics. The backplane array technology is the first in the world that have been demonstrated to U.S. government officials.
The transistors array of backplane driver will turns individual pixels on a display on and off by computer instructions. The roll-to-roll technology is originally developed for PowerFilm photovoltaic products and then developed again by a majority owned subsidiary Phicot, Hewlett-Packard, and the Army Research Laboratory .
The flexible display technology has the advantage that its backplane drivers which are thin, lightweight, conformable, durable because made of plastic, and a low cost manufacturing process at scale. Thin film semiconductor technology may also be applied on RFID tag or electronic paper.