Although in most countries generate electricity from renewable sources is expensive, high energy costs on the island, supported by the dependence on oil-production allows alternative technologies like solar photovoltaics, cost the same or less than crude oil and other fossil fuels.
An analysis prepared by the electrical engineer Agustín Irizarry revealed even now a photovoltaic system installed on a Puerto Rican home generate electricity cheaper than selling the Electric Power Authority (ESA).
In reaching this conclusion, Irizarry, who is an expert in electric power systems, considered the most recent audited financial statements of ESA and quotes from installers of photovoltaic systems.
"In Puerto Rico, photovoltaic electricity is cheaper than the EEE sell us oil. Why people think it is more expensive? I can not understand, "he explained.
According to the financial statements at the end of fiscal year 2010-2011, the cost per kilowatt hour (kWh) of a residential customer was of 23.5 cents.
According to quotes, a photovoltaic system in a residence is $ 5 per installed watt. Therefore, a two-kilowatt photovoltaic system costs $ 10,000 and the solar panels are guaranteed for 20 years.
Considering that the PV system receives only four hours of sun during the next 20 years would produce 58.400 kilowatts (eight per day). If those 58.400 kilowatts are divided between the $ 10,000 initial investment, the cost per kWh would be 17 cents.
Irizarry said the cost per kWh of a photovoltaic industry would be lower (13.7 cents). The kWh cost of 28 cents round today.
Less "externalities"
But gave no numbers, the electrical engineer Efrain O'Neill also noted that large wind farms (wind) are already competitive with fossil fuel systems.
O'Neill noted that although in principle prove expensive renewable energy, environmental and social costs, known as "externalities" are much more expensive than fossil fuels.
"The United States accounted for external use of coal at $ 63 million annually ... And that study, commissioned by the 'National Research Council', only focused on health costs, so we have to estimate the environmental costs, "said the Puerto Rico clarify that no such analysis.
'Bitter' experience in Spain
In economic terms, the use of renewable energy in Spain has not had the expected results because the government chose to subsidize companies that installed technologies and the cost per kWh has not fallen as much as anticipated.
The subsidy-50% - amounting to $ 31.000 million. To pay that debt, the Spanish government plans to increase birth rate by 20%, said Fermin Peace, Secretary General of the International Association for Energy Law, based in Paris.
He explained that in Spain, unlike here, the price of electricity generated from fossil fuels is lower than that of renewable energy. This led the Spanish government to subsidize companies to alternative technologies. But apparently there was a "premium" on the promise to sell to these companies and so is on the table a possible rate increase.
"Renewable energy sources have their problems: some polluters, no continuity, are costly and face technical problems. So far, not replace conventional energy, "said Paz.