Currently, solar panels would be a great idea to get electricity to your home for free and unlimited if it were not for its price is still relatively high, counting here to buy the panels and installation.
However, in future it is possible that the issue was resolved very easily by simply painting your roof and exterior walls of your home with a special paint.
The painting in question is being developed by researchers at MIT and the funny thing is that it is composed of plant debris. Scientists have managed to use a chemical extracted photosynthetic molecules from plants, once you have these molecules coated with paint mixtures of titanium dioxide that makes the role of 'sponge' that absorbs photons and somehow makes them electrons.
The idea seems quite interesting and promising but for now is a limit of efficiency is low at 1%, still very low so you can have practical use, however could be the first step in getting electric power wherever it need ... just with a brush and a paint bucket.