solar bridge over the river Poti will benefit about 100,000 people in the northern region of Teresina and shorten the distance between various neighborhoods. The project is the State Government, with investments that amount to $ 20 million. At 18h, a show open to the community mark the celebrations for the inauguration.
Standing demand of local residents, the Mocambinho Bridge, as it is known, directly benefiting 100,000 people from neighborhoods like Mocambinho, Buenos Aires, Anita Ferraz, Hagia Sophia, Stone Mole and Socopa.
It also serves the Residential Jacinta Andrade, the largest housing project under construction with funding from the Growth Acceleration Program (CAP), where they will live about 25 thousand people.
"The bridge was an immense and ancient dream of the whole northern area of Teresina now becomes reality. Will certainly bring a great development for our region, "acknowledges Jehovah Lopes, Chairman of the Residents of the Village Firmino Son II, also benefited from the work.
Built under the responsibility of the State Secretariat of Cities, the Bridge will have night lighting based on solar energy. We placed eight poles, each with a card that will capture energy during the day. At dusk, the lamps LED (Light Emitting Diode) will be automatically linked. Even on cloudy days the plates will be able to capture sunlight and use on rainy days the energy stored in batteries.
"In a world with growing energy needs, it is important to diversify the energy matrix and
solar energy is expected to be the best alternative for regions that lie on the equator, such as Piauí," said Solano Merlong, state secretary of Cities. "The bridge is vital importance for this region, which has densely populated areas on both the North and the East side, with neighborhoods that are thriving," he said.