DuPont as the big chemical company in U.S. will serious in developing its photovoltaic products which will be combination with Innovalight's silicon ink technology to improve its solar cell efficiency. The largest photovoltaic materials supplier has bought Innovalight as the start up of selective emitter technology which allow in capturing wider spectrum light.
DuPont has supplied solar cell materials to the majority of solar panel manufacturers intend to expand it's production of silicon cells which have been given black ink nanomaterial during the manufacturing process. Technology using this silicon ink material is believed to has raised the efficiency of monocrystalline solar cells up to 19 percent.
Before the acquisition, actually the co-operation has been carried out by both companies because it is considered mutually beneficial and need each other. DuPont also has sold it's solar cell materials such as silver metallization pastes for solar industry manufacturers. Other products produced by DuPont as encapsulants, resins, and weather resistant backsheets.
Although at this time, the Innovalight's silicon ink technology has been proven to improve the performance of monocrystalline solar cells, but DuPont intends to apply it to another silicon cell. The acquisition is also considered good for both companies to enhance their operations optimally.